Balcony power station
Start your own electricity production

Lightweight & flexible
Simple installation
Extremely weather-resistant
Size 8x5M : 1434 x 927 mm
Size 10x6M: 1775 x 1020 mm
It's as simple as that...

① Build up
Uncomplicated assembly thanks to easy-to-understand instructions.

② Connect
The solar power generated is fed directly into your home grid.

③ Save energy
Use the electricity generated in your household and reduce your electricity bill.
The energy generated by the balcony power plant can be used in various ways: It can be used directly in the household to cover your own electricity needs, which is particularly beneficial when consumption is high during sunny days. Alternatively, the electricity can be stored in batteries so that the energy can also be accessed at times when there is no sunshine. Another option is to feed the surplus electricity into the public grid, which can not only reduce your electricity bill but also contribute to the energy transition.
All in all, a balcony power plant offers a simple, cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to use solar energy independently and thus reduce your own ecological footprint.